
Toon + Cierra, Thailand

Clicking on “Donate” will direct you to a PayPal form. You do not need a PayPal account to give today. Please note: Your gift will be reduced by PayPal transaction fees of 2.9% plus $0.30 per transaction. Your donation goes directly to Hope Christian Church’s account. Hope Christian Church will direct the funds as determined by our Board and Mission Ministry and in consideration of your designated purpose. You may be able to avoid transaction fees by mailing checks directly to the church or by setting up an automatic bill pay from your bank account to Hope Christian Church at 4911 Hodgson Road, Shoreview, MN  55126.

After you click Donate, enter your donation amount at the top of the form to get started.

Dave + Beth Saavedra, Ecuador

Clicking on the “Reach Beyond” logo will direct you to the Saavedra Reach Beyond “Give” page. You will receive an end-of-year tax receipt from Reach Beyond for your donation(s) to the Saavedras. Hope Christian Church will not provide end-of-year tax receipts for your online donation(s) to the Saavedra’s.

Click on the Reach Beyond logo to get started.